
new stuff!

some new stuff, the comic is an homage to Jeff Smith's bone and the city is inspired by the concept art for the Jak and Daxter series...The comic is a bit light, I'll fix when I've a little more time...until then!


Karlie said...

first of all-
your comic is hilarious.

second of all-
you have an amazing ability to draw architectural things. with good perspective.

DoomStar said...

Thanks! Glad you like! It's nice to know someone is even looking at my blog, no one else seems to comment very regularly. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

That comic reeks of your style.

The "I hate you" comment is your most common response to anything. What is the future of this? Seriously, though, your staging gets increasingly better.

Janda said...

Dude, Ryan..... seriously..... sometimes I honestly think you're going to start crapping this awesome shite in your sleep. ps. I hate you! lol! good stuff man. I would comment on your myspace page, but eh.... you've got enough there as is. Where can I see this "comic" we speak of?

Janda said...

errr uhh....... nvm me asking about "where" the comic is..... I can be a real dumbass sometimes, lol

Janelle said...

I look at your blogs all the time, I just never comment because I don't know what else to say but I like them a lot.